The Flash Point of Vaseline

An encyclopaedia of veritable thoughts and ideas. In other words the blog of a tall tales extraordinaire!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Well what can I say? This is the first time in a long time I have no words! This is not strictly true and as you come to form an opinion about me you'll work out that most of my tales are TALL and most yarns spun.

I found this awful picture of me as a student - ought to be on but that's not a hint all your blogites.

One thing I will say though, it you should read my pal's blog. She's an English teacher, great with her words (I like to think of her as my SLAG - someone who helps me with Spelling, Language And Grammer), and recovering from cancer as we speak. If you want a shed load of inspiration and the opportunity to chuckle out loud then mince your pretty 'lil asses that way ----> On night duty on that very blog is her strife, erm wife (she's adorable, fitter than me and will kick my sorry ass for that comment!) who fills in the bits that suze forgets to write about. Any how wittering on now so I'm gonna quit.


  • At 8:27 pm, Blogger suze said…

    Oh James - that picture takes the biscuit .. you look more dog-ruff than Mabel!

    Of course we appreciate the blog-title and your kindly words, but you are to STOP calling me a slag.


  • At 8:28 pm, Blogger suze said…

    and ps - set your clock - it isn't 1.27pm it is about 21.30pm

  • At 11:09 am, Blogger James said…

    Hi Jean

    Thanks for you comments... BTW I didn't pose for that picture... I happened to look like that once.

    Don't I scrub up well!


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