The Flash Point of Vaseline

An encyclopaedia of veritable thoughts and ideas. In other words the blog of a tall tales extraordinaire!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Ok, I seem to be having some grief about my picture. Perhaps I am better as a scally? The nylon does it for me.... The clothes we bought on my best giro.


  • At 1:13 pm, Blogger James said…

    @Jean : My ring is large enough thanks...

    actually lets get something striaght here for the avoidance of doubt...

    Im not into the arse thing.

    My arse is strictly one way! - For speaking out of ;)

  • At 7:29 pm, Blogger suze said…

    James! Does your real mum know you go out dressed like that?

    Bejazus -- - I am going to post a decent pic of you onto my blog immediately..

    I see you and Jean are happy together on the naughty step, I'm just surprised tht Matt hasn't popped over to join in too ....

  • At 8:14 am, Blogger jungle jane said…

    i love how your shoes have little lightbulbs on them...

  • At 2:17 pm, Blogger James said…

    @jane, thanks you've noticed the glitter on my bestest hardest scally rockport boots.


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